Try a Fabulous Facial
For deep down cleansing and a definite improvement in skin
tone, try an at-home facial. Just once a month will make a
noticeable difference to your complexion. Follow these steps
to re-create the benefits of the beauty salon in the comfort
and privacy of your own home.
tone, try an at-home facial. Just once a month will make a
noticeable difference to your complexion. Follow these steps
to re-create the benefits of the beauty salon in the comfort
and privacy of your own home.

Smooth your skin with cleansing cream. Leave on for 1-2 minutes to give it time to dissolve grime, oils and stale make-up. Then gently smooth away excess cream, with cotton wool pads (cotton balls).

Fill a. wash basin (sink) with boiling water.Lean over the top, capturing the steam with a towel draped over your head. Stay there for five minutes and then gently remove any blackheads with tissue-covered fingers. If you havesensitive skin, or broken veins,you should avoid this step.

Dampen your skin with warm. water,then gently massage in a blob of facial scrub using your fingertips, avoiding the delicate eye area. This will loosen dead surface skin cells and leave your skin softer and smoother.It will also prepare your complexion for the beneficial treatments to come. Rinse with warm water.

Smooth on a face mask. Choose a clay-based one if you have oily skin, or a moisturizing one if you have dry or normal skin. Leave on for five minutes, or for as long as specified by the instructions on the product.

Rinse away the face mask with warm. water. Finish off with a few splashes of cool water to close your pores and freshen your skin, then pat dry with a towel.

Soak a cotton wool (cotton ball) pad with a skin toner lotion and smooth over oily areas, such as the T-zone on the nose, chin and forehead.

Dot your skin with moisturizer and smooth it in. Take the opportunity to massage your skin, as this encourages a brighter complexion and can help reduce puffiness.

Smooth the sensitive eye area under your eyes with a soothing eye cream to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and make the skin ultrasoft.