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Health Benefits And Minerals

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  • Health Benefits And Minerals

    Health Benefits And Minerals

    Do You Know Your Minerals?

    Believe it or not there are 17 minerals that play a role in our nutrition.

    . Just to name a few we have: aluminum, bismuth, iron, boron, calcium, magnesium, copper, iodine, and fluoride,
    magnesium, selenium, and potassium.
    There are other minerals but we are going to explode or some of the more important ones for our bodies , I believe magnesium, iron, calcium , and iodine are all the more essential

    We need minerals in order to maintain a healthy mental and physiological structure.

    Earth Minerals

    Aluminum - Found in the earth and is present in plants. But as for the human body and aluminum there is NO value for this mineral, and can be harmful.
    Bismuth - Commonly found in medications

    such as Pepto-Bismol.
    Boron- Trace mineral found in foods such as; leafy greens, winter squash, and an assortment of nuts. This mineral also works in conjunction with calcium and magnesium to provide the

    body with strong joints.

    Chloride NOT Chlorine

    Chloride brings balance in our body between acid and alkali. Chloride has been known for helping relieve diarrhea and vomiting.

    Minerals And Their Function

    Copper - This mineral helps oxygen travel in the blood.
    Fluoride - The most common known mineral among consumers not only does fluoride protect our teeth, but the mineral actually help stimulate the bones formation.

    Iodine - Most consumers are familiar with this mineral role as being the main mineral necessary needed for healthy thyroid functioning . Iodine is also a mineral that supports our body's

    ability to burn fat.

    Chlorophyll and Magnesium - Working together in a joint effort.
    Have you ever wondered what makesvegetables green? Vegetables get their color from chlorophyll, but magnesium can be found in chlorophyll.

    Does this make sense? Vitamins take over in the utilization functioning of magnesium. If the body has no vitamin D it cannot utilize magnesium properly. Here's another interesting fact in

    regard to magnesium, if you consume calcium by the ton then you need the same amount of magnesium . Its also has been medically proven that patients who suffer with high cholesterol

    have an increased need for magnesium.

    Iron Transformation

    Meds And Depletion of Vitamin & Minerals

    Iron - The Different Forms

    Iron: What most people may not know this mineral is what givesblood its color.
    In order for iron to really function within complete harmony with our bodies calcium and copper are the key ingredients needed to be present. These minerals work in conjunction with

    one another to correlate the different forms of iron.
    Iron has the ability to transform itself from ferrous and ferric which are two different forms of iron. It is able to do this by releasing oxygen. Iron contains oxygen therefore it is able to

    release it when needed

    Teen Health And Nutrition

    Vitamins and Minerals
    Vitamins and minerals are nutrients that the body needs to work properly. They boost the immune system, promote normal growth and development, and help cells and organs do their


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