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Hair Tips ...!!

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  • Hair Tips ...!!

    Hair Tips ...!!

    Change Hairstyle :
    To add impact for the holidays, change your hairstyle. If you usually wear it down, wear it up. If you usually wear it up, let it down.
    Glamour for Long Hair :
    Add that extra touch of glamour to extra-bare party attire with long,smooth hair parted off tothe side. Apply a dollop of smoothing cream (like Redkin Straight) to damp hair before

    blow-drying it straight. Finish off with a dab of shine serum (like Matrix Biolage Shine Renewal).
    Homemade Hair Spray :
    Chop one lemon (or an orange for dry hair). Place in a pot with 2 cups water. Boil until half of the initial amount remains. Cool, strain, and place in a spray bottle. Store in the

    If it is too sticky, add more water. Add one ounce rubbing alcohol as a preservative and then the spray can be stored for up to two weeks unrefrigerated.

    Short Hairstyles :
    To add impact to short hair, slick it back or curl and crush with fingers.

    If Your Hair Is Wavy :
    Lather up with a shine-enhancing shampoo and conditioner. Rinse well. Smooth and separate wet strands with wide-tooth comb, then spritz a silicone-based shine-enhancing spray from

    ends to roots.
    Dry hair using a blowdryer with a tapered nozzle to direct air down the hair shaft and seal the cuticle.

    A Bit About Leave In Conditioners :
    Have you tried leave in conditioners? They are especially ideal if are pushed for time. The nice thing about them is that they won't weigh down your hair and even helps tame flyaway

    hair. It is also a good solution if the ends of your hair are extremely dry. Simply smooth a small amount of conditioner to the ends to help hydrate and protect. Your hair will even look


    Are The Ends of Your Hair Frying? :
    Cup the ends of your hair in your hands and direct the heat (set at cool) over your hands. Drying in this manner will prevent the air from hitting the dry fragile ends of the hair.

    Before You Color Your Hair :
    The week before you color you hair, be sure to really condition the ends so that they don't absorb too much color during the process. The ends of your hair tend to be the most porous

    and have a tendency to really soak up color.

    Boost That Shine :
    Once your hair is completely dry, finish it off with a cool blast to seal the cuticle. If the cuticle is ragged, no shine.

    Condition Your Hair :
    Conditioning is not a step you want to skip. It adds protection to your hair by coating each strand against wear and tear and offers added shine as well. By coating each strand, it offers

    easier detangling which will prevent your hair from breaking at this critical time.
    Fine Hair and Conditioners :
    Use conditioners sparingly so that you don't weigh down your hair. A medium size round brush and a volumizer will definitely make it look thicker.
    Foods To Avoid For Healthy Hair :
    To ensure that the hair that is forming beneath the surface of your scalp is healthy, there are a few foods that you should avoid and replace them with fresh fruits and vegetables. They

    include too many sweets, chocolate, cakes and cookies. Unfortunately, these favorites simply don't do a thing for your hair.
    Gels For Your Hair :
    If your hair has curl, a gel can be your best friend. Dry it to the stage where it is almost dry and then squeeze a little into your hand. Distribute it through your hair with your fingers and

    then scrunch it through your hair. Allow hair to completely dry and the gel will hold it in place. What is especially nice is the fact that you can reactivate it teh next day by misting your

    hair with water and scrunching again.
    Going Red :
    Your skin tones will play a big part in choosing the shade of red that you will choose. If you have olive skin tones, go for a cool red, while those with fair skin tones will look better with

    a red/orange cast to the color.
    Growing Out Your Hair :
    There are a few ways to gracefully grow out that cut. You can use a gel to help lift up the roots, you can use a hairband to get the hair off your face or change the lok of your bangs with

    a little help from a blow dryer and a round brush.
    Hair Coloring At Home :
    If you color your hair at home, always save the package that the product came in. It will provide you with important information on active ingredients an emergency hotline you can call

    if anything goes wrong. It will also remind you of the color name and number for purchasing the next time around.
    Hair Drying and The Brush :
    We all know how vulnerable our hair is while it is wet and using the brush can really do some damage. After you shampoo your hair, blot it dry with a towel and then try to detangle it

    with your fingers. Don't use the brush. This is the time when you can stretch the strands and weaken them to the point where they snap. The brush used on wet hair can also cause

    frizzing to occurr. Don't pick up the brush until your hair is somewhere between damp and dry and then it is okay to use the blow dryer and a round brush until it is styled and completely

    Hair Moisturizer Recipe :
    That old fashioned mayonnaise (not the low cal variety) is a great moisturizer for your hair. Shampoo as usual and then apply about a tablespoon. Wrap your hair in a plastic shower cap

    for a half hour and then re-shampoo and rinse thoroughly.
    Hair Style To Make Your Neck Look Longer :
    Did you know that according to the hairstylest simply known as "Garren", a shag can make your neck look longer and your face look thinner.
    Hair Tips :
    Washing brushes should be done on a need to basis. They will collect natural oils from your hair as well as an assortment of styling products. A mild soap should be used and then the brush

    should be air dried. When the bristles start to soften, it's time for a new one.

    How Diet Can Affect Your Hair :
    The hair that you can see is already dead and there's nothing your diet can do to help this hair but the hair beneath the skin is still being nourished by the papilla. A good diet ensure

    healthy hairs being formed.

    How Do I Shampoo Correctly? :
    Pour about a tablspoon and a half into an empty shampoo bottle and then dilute with a little warm water. Give it a good shake. Shampoos are very concentrated and most of the time,

    we use too much.
    Wet your hair thoroughly and then pour on a little of the diluted shampoo. Massage your scalp with the pads of your fingertips, not your nails. Be sure to pay attention to the hairline

    where makeup can collect.
    Rinse well and then check for shampoo residue. It should be visible on your fingertips. If you notice traces of shampoo, continue rinsing.p>Add conditioner to your hair following

    instructions given on bottle. Rinse if required. Squeeze the water from your hair and then blot it dry. Don't rub because wet hair is very vulnerable and breakage can occur.

    Keep Moving :
    If you don't keep the blow dryer moving every few seconds, you can damage the cuticle and there goes your shine.

    Let Your Brush Add Shine :
    Use your blow dryer and a natural bristle brush to evenly distribute scalp oils. This will accentuate your hair's lustre.

    Lock In That Curl :
    Using your diffuser attachment, lean your head to one side and start scrunching your hair from the bottom to the (top all around your head) Finish off with a blast of cool air to lock in the

    curl. So simple a procedure but very effective.

    Make Your Own Spray-On-Conditioner :
    Here is a quick way to make your own spray on conditioner and it works just as well as the brands that are on the store shelves. All you have to do is mix 1 part of your favorite

    conditioner with 5 parts water. Pour it in an empty hair spray container and spritz it on instead. Tangles are gone and so is the frizz!.

    My Hair is Falling Out :
    If you find that suddenly your hair is falling out in handfulls, it would be a good idea to mention the fact to the doctor. There are a lot of factors that could be causing the problem which

    include hormones, stress, anemia, poor diet, pregnancy and genetic factors. This condition can also take place at menopause. Thyroid and Alopecia can also be reasons so be sure to have

    the condition looked at. We naturally lose about 100 hairs a day so if you are losing more than this, it is something that should be looked into.

    Save The Outer Hair :
    The blow dryer most often hits the outer layer of hair. to give it a break, bend over and dry your hair upside down. You can use any of the previous techniques given for blow drying.

    Shampooing your hair...there are some tricks!
    never use hot water..use tepid
    use about a quarter size amount of shampoo and massage it into your scalp from front to back
    rinse..this should take between 3-5 minutes
    apply conditioner from the ends of your hair up to the roots (not the other way around) and comb it gently through your hair
    rinse another 3 minutes, followed by a blast of cool water to help seal
    blot your hair dry, don't tousle...not good for your hair or the style.

    Shine Up Your Hair :
    Mash up an avocado with a tablespoon of olive oil and a tsp of baking powder. Mix until well combined and then work the mixture through your hair. Go and surf my site for 15 minutes

    and then wash out.

    Simply Smooth :
    Here is a quick way to shower, blowdry and come out with a sleek look. Roll the hair at the crown around one or two large rollers. Separate the rest of your hair into small sections and

    wrap your head, securing each section with a clip that does not leave ridges. Blowdry and then remove rollers and clips.

    Swimming and Hair Care :
    Always rinse your hair after swimming. The chlorine will not only dry out your hair but it will dull your color as well.

    What A Good Style Should Do For You :
    A really good style should promote your best feature... gorgeous eyes, good jaw line etc. It should also draw the eye away from a bad feature.

    What is Hair Wax? :
    Hair wax is a styling aid that is either a gum consistancy or that of paste. It is great for those styles that are freeform ringlets. Simply rub a little between your palms to warm up and then

    distribute through your hair. Now twist away. Bumble and Bumble makes such a product

    Yanking Gray Hair :
    Pulling out gray hairs will not contribute to more gray hairs. It will just be replaced with another one...gray too I'm afraid.
    To ensure that the hair that is forming beneath the surface of your scalp is healthy, there are a few foods that you should avoid and replace them with fresh fruits and vegetables. They

    include too many sweets, chocolate, cakes and cookies. Unfortunately, these favorites simply don't do a thing for your hair.
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