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Heart Attack Causes and Treatment

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  • Heart Attack Causes and Treatment

    Heart Attack Causes and Treatment Structure and Function of Heart

    Heart is an important organ of the body. Although each organ of the body is important for proper body function, but heart plays vital role in our body. It pumps the blood in our body through blood vessels.

    Heart Attack:

    Heart attack occurs when flow of oxygenated blood blocked to a section of heart muscle. If blood isn’t restore than section of heart muscle becomes dying and cause serious condition. In many cases it occurs due to coronary heart disease also known coronary artery disease.

    Causes of Heart Attack:

    Most of cases of heart attack are found due to blood clot that blocks the coronary arteries of heart. Due to which it cannot carry oxygenated blood and flow of blood becomes blocked which causes the dying of heart muscles.

    Treatment of Heart Attack:

    Early treatment of heart attack may prevent our heart from muscle damage. It is medical emergency and should be treated by conventional medicine. There are some treatments that often medical experts used that are; Oxygen therapy, an individual feels shortness of breathes that why it helps to breathe properly. Some experts use Aspirin to thin your blood and prevent further blood clotting. Further they use Nitroglycerin in order to reduce your heart's workload and improve blood flow through the coronary arteries.

    Symptoms of Heart Attack:

    There are some common symptoms of heart attack that are;
    An individual feels shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing. Also he/she feels anxiety, sweating, temporary loss/changes in vision, vomiting, confusion and etc.

    Heart Failure:

    Heart failure occurs when heart doesn’t function properly and unable to provide sufficient blood circulation through pumping that required the body. It is also known as congestive heart failure or congestive cardiac failure. Heart failure doesn’t mean that heart becomes stop working or in deadly condition, although it is serious condition that should be treated as soon as possible. Such types of condition can effects right side and some time left side of the heart. In most cases it affects both sides of the heart. Right side heart failure occurs when I can’t push the blood to the lungs to pick the oxygen. Whereas left side heart failure occurs if it fails to provide oxygenated blood to rest of body.

    There are some common causes of heart failure that are myocardial infraction, hypertension, valvular heart disease and cardiomyopathy.

    Function of Heart:

    Basic function of heart is to pump blood in our body through different blood veins. It pump not only blood but with oxygen rich blood. Normally it beats approximately 80,000 to 100,000 a day with 2000 gallons (4.7 liters) of blood. A healthy heart beats 60-100 times in normal or rest situation and during exercise it increases up to four times as compare to normal situation; whole matter is about one second. It pumps the blood through lungs and removes carbon dioxide from blood and refreshes the blood that contains oxygen.

    Structure of Heart:

    Structure of heart varies from person to person but normally it is about size of human fist with 250-350 gram in mass containing approximately one pound weight. It found heavier in male as compare to female. It enclosed in pericardium that has double walled sac. It has four chambers containing one way flaps known as valves. The artria are the upper chamber of the heart that receives blood that being returned from heart. Whereas right atrium receives low oxygenated blood as it circulated through put the body in order to provide oxygen and nutrients. Left atrium receives refresh oxygenated blood that came from lungs. After that artria pumps the blood through valves into ventricles that are in relaxed position. When these ventricles contract, the right ventricle push the blood into lungs through pulmonary valve. The left ventricle pumps blood through the aortic valve to the body, also into the heart by using coronary arteries. This whole cycle of synchronized contractions is driven by the heart’s electrical system.

    Heart Sound:

    We can hear heart beat easily. It has two sounds, first sound known as lubb and second sound we called dub. First sound of heart is loud due to the contraction of the ventricular muscle and the closure of the atria-ventricular valves. Second sound of heart is soft/low due to the closure of semi lunar valves aortic and pulmonary valves.