When you make plans be realistic about what you can achieve
in a certain amount of time. Do not say I will write a
novel in the next two weeks. This is unlikely and if you
don't make it will only open you up to disappointment. Take
all your projects and goals and break them up into smaller
easier to obtain goals. Set a time to finish each part of
your plan. Know what you can achieve or do in a given
situation. Be rationale in your approach to the problems of
your life. Learn how to accept yourself and be at peace
with your life.
Respecting yourself means listening to your body and
emotions continuously.
in a certain amount of time. Do not say I will write a
novel in the next two weeks. This is unlikely and if you
don't make it will only open you up to disappointment. Take
all your projects and goals and break them up into smaller
easier to obtain goals. Set a time to finish each part of
your plan. Know what you can achieve or do in a given
situation. Be rationale in your approach to the problems of
your life. Learn how to accept yourself and be at peace
with your life.
Respecting yourself means listening to your body and
emotions continuously.