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Set achievable goals

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  • Set achievable goals

    Set goals that are achievable and then go to it. In order
    to achieve a goal you must have one. Write down something
    you would like to accomplish and then break it into tiny
    steps to reach it. Each time you make a tiny step you will
    be that much closer to reaching your goal. No matter how
    small the step toward the finish line is, it is still a
    step in the right direction. Mark each step of the list
    when you finish and you will see your progress right in
    front of you. With each completed step you will know that
    you are getting closer to the finish line and your self
    esteem will grow more with each step you take toward it.
    You can do it!


    "Hold fast to dreams,
    For if dreams die
    Life is a broken-winged bird,
    That cannot fly."

    Langston Hughes (1902 -1967) US poet, writer, editor
    For New Designers
    وَ بَارِکْ لِيْ فِيْمَا أَعْطَيْتَ

  • #2
    Re: Set achievable goals

    Nice sharing!:)

    Allah-o-Akbar Kabeera, Wal Hamdulillaah-e-Kaseera, Subhan Allah-e-Bukratan-wa-Aseela


    • #3
      Re: Set achievable goals

      thanks 4 sharing

