We should not be like the hands which crush the roses.
We should be like the roses which leave fragrance even after crushed.
We should not say, Oh! God I have problems.
We should say, Oh! Problems I have a GOD.
God never let u helpless when you pray to Him ;
He says YES and gives you the same what you want.
He says NO and gives you better then what you want.
He says WAIT and gives you THE BEST then anything else.
Remember we most of the times give up, when we are a few steps away from our goals.
No one will manufacture a lock without a key.
He runs because we beat him and give pain.
Life is a race, God is our rider.
So if we are in pain then we should think.
That God wants us to win.
Spirit means;
If anything is difficult, then it should be done.
But if it is impossible, then it will be done.
A man who is physically powerful is not infact a powerful man.
A man who smiles in problems and worries is infact a powerful man.
When you are up in life, your friends get to know who you are.
But when you are down in life, you get to know who your friends are.
Small minds discuss people.
Average minds discuss events.
Great minds discuss ideas.
Greatest work in silence.
We should be like the roses which leave fragrance even after crushed.
We should not say, Oh! God I have problems.
We should say, Oh! Problems I have a GOD.
God never let u helpless when you pray to Him ;
He says YES and gives you the same what you want.
He says NO and gives you better then what you want.
He says WAIT and gives you THE BEST then anything else.
Remember we most of the times give up, when we are a few steps away from our goals.
No one will manufacture a lock without a key.
He runs because we beat him and give pain.
Life is a race, God is our rider.
So if we are in pain then we should think.
That God wants us to win.
Spirit means;
If anything is difficult, then it should be done.
But if it is impossible, then it will be done.
A man who is physically powerful is not infact a powerful man.
A man who smiles in problems and worries is infact a powerful man.
When you are up in life, your friends get to know who you are.
But when you are down in life, you get to know who your friends are.
Small minds discuss people.
Average minds discuss events.
Great minds discuss ideas.
Greatest work in silence.