It is ridicules that, we call ourselves Muslims, but we are not ready to give just 45 minutes (duration of 5 prayers in a day) to Al-mighty Allah.
It is ridicules that, we want to live life like a phero in this world and want to live life like a Moses in life after death.
It is ridicules that, we call ourselves followers (Umatti) of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), but we actually follow unwise scholars of Islam.
It is ridicules that, we grant help from those who never offer us to get help from them, but we hesitate to grant help from Al-mighty Allah who offer five times in a day to get help from Him.
It is ridicules that, we are hoping for the palace in paradise after death, but we are still creating palace in our lives knowing that we will not alive more then 50-60 years.
It is ridicules that, we want to live life like a phero in this world and want to live life like a Moses in life after death.
It is ridicules that, we call ourselves followers (Umatti) of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), but we actually follow unwise scholars of Islam.
It is ridicules that, we grant help from those who never offer us to get help from them, but we hesitate to grant help from Al-mighty Allah who offer five times in a day to get help from Him.
It is ridicules that, we are hoping for the palace in paradise after death, but we are still creating palace in our lives knowing that we will not alive more then 50-60 years.