Do not allow interruptions to distract you when you are
working toward your goals. If you have set aside two hours
to work on it today, take the phone off the hook, turn off
the TV, arrange for someone to take care of the kids etc.
Interruptions waste your time. If you have a two-hour task
and allow interruption it can take you all day and cause
you to get so frustrated that you may just give up. It may
be difficult at first to avoid these distractions, but it
will be worth it and will ensure you get your work done on
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be
continually fearing you will make one."
Elbert Hubbard
working toward your goals. If you have set aside two hours
to work on it today, take the phone off the hook, turn off
the TV, arrange for someone to take care of the kids etc.
Interruptions waste your time. If you have a two-hour task
and allow interruption it can take you all day and cause
you to get so frustrated that you may just give up. It may
be difficult at first to avoid these distractions, but it
will be worth it and will ensure you get your work done on
"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be
continually fearing you will make one."
Elbert Hubbard