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Keep your focus

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  • Keep your focus

    Keep your focus: If you are working on a project and find
    your mind wondering to other things you want to do instead,
    count to 10 and repeat to yourself . . .

    I am focused on what I am doing

    I can finish what I start

    I am ready to do this project and will work until I am

    Sometimes it can be hard to stay focused on the final
    results and you will need to remind yourself why you
    started this project in the first place. Keep with it and
    don't let your mind wander. If you need to, take a five
    minute break, but get right back to it. Remember your goal
    and keep yourself psyched up to keep it going.


    You have succeeded in life when all you really want is only
    what you really need.

    Vernon Howard
    For New Designers
    وَ بَارِکْ لِيْ فِيْمَا أَعْطَيْتَ

  • #2
    Re: Keep your focus

    useful, issay zaroor try karongaga :thmbup:
    Last edited by pakgates; 5 September 2008, 05:10.

