Natural Care for Dry Skin and Hair
Pick up a bottle of lotion at the store and read the ingredients. Are there a lot of long words, chemicals and fragrances that make you itch? Are these things you want? Is the lotion mostly water? Is water something you wanted to pay for? Soften and protect your skin naturally, and get what you're paying for with pure Mango Butter and Cocoa Butter!.
These butters are solid at room temperature, and melt at body temperature. These butters have no synthetic ingredients added for convenience. You'll have to warm your butter to use it. Put your bottle of butter butter in the microwave for 30 - 60 seconds, and squeeze out a drop or two of warm liquid butter .... and enjoy rubbing the soothing oil into your skin or hair. If you enjoy bath oil, drop the bottle of butter into your warm bath water ... it will become liquid in a few minutes, then you can squeeze it out and rub it into your skin. Keep your butter in a cool place between applications: these butters have no preservatives or additives!
Because these are PURE Mango Butter and Cocoa Butter, a little goes a LONG way, and are more economical than lotion!