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What is Asthma

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  • What is Asthma

    What is Asthma?

    Asthma could be a chronic respiratory organ illness characterised by a attenuated ability to breathe simply. The flow of air in and out of the respiratory organs is deadlocked within the

    airways that carry air to the air sacs deep within the lung. The larger airways (bronchi), branches into smaller airways (bronchioles), which can be deadlocked by adjustment of muscles,

    irritation or swelling within the airways, and accumulation of mucose thereby leading to respiratory illness. respiratory illness will either be acute or chronic. Symptoms related to

    respiratory illness area unit coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness.
    Common Causes of respiratory illness
    Allergy to spore, dust mites
    Air pollution
    Respiratory infections
    Non-specific hyperirritability
    Sulfites in food
    Certain medications
    Home Remedies for respiratory illness
    Tip 1:
    Mix one tsp honey with ½ tsp cinnamon powder. Consume simply before sleeping.
    Tip 2:
    Boil 8-10 cloves of garlic in ½ cup of milk. Have at nighttime. sensible for early stages of respiratory illness.
    Tip 3:
    Figs area unit sensible for exhausting phlegm. Wash 3-4 dry figs with water. Soak in one cup of water. Eat these on associate empty abdomen and drink the water that the figs were

    soaked in conjointly. don't eat anything for associate hour a minimum of. do that for two months.
    Tip 4:
    Add one tsp of honey in highly regarded water and sip slowly. Take this simply before sleeping to get rid of phlegm from the throat.
    Tip 5:
    In one cup of water soak one tspn of Fenugreek seeds nightlong. Strain. Add one tspn of Ginger juice and one tspn of honey to the present. this could be taken morning and evening.

  • #2
    اللھم صلی علٰی محمد وعلٰی آل محمد کما صلیت علٰی ابراھیم وعلٰی آل ابراھیم انک حمید مجید۔
    اللھم بارک علٰی محمد وعلٰی آل محمد کما بارکت علٰی ابراھیم وعلٰی آل ابراھیم انک حمید مجید۔

