Red eye
Red eye may be a common drawback which will have an effect on one or each eyes. The redness related to red eye comes from expanded blood vessels on the surface of your eye as a result of inflammation, sometimes from some style of irritation or infection.
Most often the inflammation that causes red eye happens within the membrane covering the white of your eye and lining your lid. This membrane is termed the mucous membrane (kun-JUNK-tih-vuh); inflammation of the mucous membrane is termed rubor (kun-junk-tih-VY-tis).
Allergic rubor
Bacterial rubor
Blepharitis (inflammation that affects your eyelids)
Corneal abrasion (rubbing off of the terribly prime layers of the tissue layer, the clear cowl of your eye)
Corneal herpetic infections (herpes)
Corneal ulcers
Dry eyes
Ectropion (condition during which your lid turns out)
Entropion (condition during which your lid turns in)
Episcleritis (inflammation of the membrane covering the white a part of the eye)
Foreign object in eye
Hay fever
Iritis (inflammation of the coloured a part of the eye)
Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)
Orbital inflammation (severe infection of tissues round the eye)
Scleritis (inflammation of the white a part of the eye)
Sty (a red, painful lump close to the sting of your eyelid)
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
Uveitis (inflammation of the center layer of the eye)
Viral rubor
"Pink eye" may be a term unremarkably accustomed describe red eye and refers to each microorganism and microorganism infections of the mucous membrane (conjunctivitis). It may also produce other causes, like allergic reaction.
Pink eye caused by a virulent disease could involve clear discharge or some quantity of pus and secretion discharge.
Pink eye caused by bacterium is a lot of common in youngsters than adults and should involve a a lot of continuous and thicker discharge of pus and secretion.
Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
Red eye may be a common drawback which will have an effect on one or each eyes. The redness related to red eye comes from expanded blood vessels on the surface of your eye as a result of inflammation, sometimes from some style of irritation or infection.
Most often the inflammation that causes red eye happens within the membrane covering the white of your eye and lining your lid. This membrane is termed the mucous membrane (kun-JUNK-tih-vuh); inflammation of the mucous membrane is termed rubor (kun-junk-tih-VY-tis).
Allergic rubor
Bacterial rubor
Blepharitis (inflammation that affects your eyelids)
Corneal abrasion (rubbing off of the terribly prime layers of the tissue layer, the clear cowl of your eye)
Corneal herpetic infections (herpes)
Corneal ulcers
Dry eyes
Ectropion (condition during which your lid turns out)
Entropion (condition during which your lid turns in)
Episcleritis (inflammation of the membrane covering the white a part of the eye)
Foreign object in eye
Hay fever
Iritis (inflammation of the coloured a part of the eye)
Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)
Orbital inflammation (severe infection of tissues round the eye)
Scleritis (inflammation of the white a part of the eye)
Sty (a red, painful lump close to the sting of your eyelid)
Subconjunctival hemorrhage
Uveitis (inflammation of the center layer of the eye)
Viral rubor
"Pink eye" may be a term unremarkably accustomed describe red eye and refers to each microorganism and microorganism infections of the mucous membrane (conjunctivitis). It may also produce other causes, like allergic reaction.
Pink eye caused by a virulent disease could involve clear discharge or some quantity of pus and secretion discharge.
Pink eye caused by bacterium is a lot of common in youngsters than adults and should involve a a lot of continuous and thicker discharge of pus and secretion.
Pink eye (conjunctivitis)