The world's biggest book maze constructed with 250,000 books by Brazilian artists Marcos Saboya and Gualter Pupo, at the Royal Festival Hall, on the southbank, in central London.
The aMAZEme has been installed in the capital's Royal Festival Hall as part of the Southbank Centre's Festival of the World. Bookworms are invited to visit the project, built over the course of four days with the help of hundreds of volunteers.

They will get the chance to navigate the walled maze, with an accompanying audio tour further immersing the audience in a world of celebrated literature.
Oxfam has loaned 150,000 used books to the project, while another 100,000 have been donated by publishing houses from around the UK. All of the books will be given to Oxfam once the maze is deconstructed, with the funds from the project being used for their work fighting poverty around the world.
The aMAZEme has been installed in the capital's Royal Festival Hall as part of the Southbank Centre's Festival of the World. Bookworms are invited to visit the project, built over the course of four days with the help of hundreds of volunteers.

They will get the chance to navigate the walled maze, with an accompanying audio tour further immersing the audience in a world of celebrated literature.
Oxfam has loaned 150,000 used books to the project, while another 100,000 have been donated by publishing houses from around the UK. All of the books will be given to Oxfam once the maze is deconstructed, with the funds from the project being used for their work fighting poverty around the world.