State Logo
Motto Ittehad, Tanzim, Yaqeen - e- Muhkam
(Unity, Faith Dicipline)

Pakistan's Flag

Map of Pakistan

Music Sheet of Pakistani National Anthem

Pakistan natioal song in urdu

Pakistan national song in English
State Logo
Motto Ittehad, Tanzim, Yaqeen - e- Muhkam
(Unity, Faith Dicipline)

Pakistan's Flag

Map of Pakistan

Music Sheet of Pakistani National Anthem

Pakistan natioal song in urdu

Pakistan national song in English
Blessed be the sacred Land
Happy be the bounteous realm
Symbol of high resolve
Land of Pakistan
Blessed be thou citadel of faith
Happy be the bounteous realm
Symbol of high resolve
Land of Pakistan
Blessed be thou citadel of faith
The order of this sacred land
Is the might of the brotherhood of the People
May the nation, the country, and the state
Shine in glory everlasting
Blessed be the goal of our ambition
Is the might of the brotherhood of the People
May the nation, the country, and the state
Shine in glory everlasting
Blessed be the goal of our ambition
This Flag of the Crescent and Star
Leads the way to progress and perfection
Interpreter of our past, glory of our present
Inspiration of our future
Symbol of Almighty's protection
Great Leader and Founder of Pakistan Quid - e - Azam Mr. Mohammed Ali Jinnah.

National Poet, Philosopher & the Thinker of Pakistan Mr. Dr. allama Mohammed iqbal

Leads the way to progress and perfection
Interpreter of our past, glory of our present
Inspiration of our future
Symbol of Almighty's protection
Great Leader and Founder of Pakistan Quid - e - Azam Mr. Mohammed Ali Jinnah.

National Poet, Philosopher & the Thinker of Pakistan Mr. Dr. allama Mohammed iqbal

First Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Nawab Liaqat Ali Khan

Mother of the Nation (Mader - e - Millat) Miss Fatima Jinnah

National Flower of pakistan - Jasmine

National Bird of pakistan - Chukar (Red Legged Partridge)

National Animal of Pakistan
The Markhor (Capra falconeri) is a Goat Antelope found in sparse woodland in the Western Himalayas.

National Fruit of Pakistan, Mangifera Indica (immature Black Mango Fruit)

National Tree of Pakistan - Deodare (Himalayan Cedar)

National Mosque In islamabad (Capital of Pakistan)

Tomb of Great Leader (Quide - e - Azam) & Founder of Pakistan Mr. Mohammed Ali Jinnah in Karachi, Pakistan.

Minar - e - Pakistan

Badshahi Masjid Lahore.

Faisalabad Clock Tower

Quid Residency Ziarat Balouchistan

Bab - e - Khyber (NWFP)

University of Punjab

K - 2 Pakistan

The Hunza Valley

Indus River

The mountain of Koh - e - Karakoram

National Game of Pakistan

Jahangir Khan

Jansher Khan

Imran Khan with 1992 World Cup Trophey

Pakistan's National Hero
National Hero Mr. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan (A. Q. Khan) Founder of Pakistani Nuclear Bomb mostly known as Islamic Bomb. Due to him Pakistan become the 1st Islami & World 7th Nuclear State.

Proud 2 b Pakistani
