The largest fish
The largest fish in the world is the whale Shark. (Rhinodon typus)
This animal is an amazing 59 feet long and can weigh as much as 14 tons (29,000 lbs)
Largest Mass Freefall Jump
We held a WORLD RECORD 400-way for 4.25 SECONDS!!!
WORLD TEAM '04set a new Guinness Book World Record by conducting the world's Largest Mass
Freefall Jump
with 672 skydivers over Bangkok, Thailand, in January 2004
Largest rubber band ball
The Largest rubber band ball in the world belongs to John Bain. His masterpiece has over 850,000
rubber bands an amazing circumference of over 15 ft and weighs 3,120 lbs
cycling backwards
World record in
cycling backwards (without violin)
113,3 km in 6 h
World record in
cycling backwards with violin
60,45 km in 5h 09 min