An accountant in a big mutinational company, dialed C.E.O by mistake
and said: " Hey send a black coffee in account department in 2 minutes".
C.E.O. shouted: " Do you know with whom you are talking?" :fuming:
Accountant: No
C.E.O.: " I'm the C.E.O. of the company. :fuming:
Accountant ( in the same tone ): " Do you know with whom you are talking?"
C.E.O. : No
Accountant: Thank God & disconnected the phone! :embarasse
and said: " Hey send a black coffee in account department in 2 minutes".
C.E.O. shouted: " Do you know with whom you are talking?" :fuming:
Accountant: No
C.E.O.: " I'm the C.E.O. of the company. :fuming:
Accountant ( in the same tone ): " Do you know with whom you are talking?"

C.E.O. : No
Accountant: Thank God & disconnected the phone! :embarasse