We're in 2006! Wow :phool:
There will be risks
and challenges
Be Alert and Prepared!
Share time with friends
They'll be with you when you face obstacles
Face conflicts head on
Don't forget to laugh
Don't forget to play
Discover new places
Make new friends
Keep your old friends
Stick together
Look at things from different angles
Always take time to smell the flowers
Take time to RELAX
nam nam nam nam nam nam
And never forget to love those dearest to you
There will be risks
and challenges
Be Alert and Prepared!
Share time with friends
They'll be with you when you face obstacles
Face conflicts head on
Don't forget to laugh
Don't forget to play
Discover new places
Make new friends
Keep your old friends
Stick together
Look at things from different angles
Always take time to smell the flowers
Take time to RELAX
nam nam nam nam nam nam
And never forget to love those dearest to you