Today is Islamic New Year, We people celebrated Gregorian New Year (1st January)...who is going to celebrate this Islamic New Year ?
The Islamic calendar is based on the lunar cycle, the New Year begins upon the detection of the crescent moon.
A Muslims quietly reflect upon the New Year. Morality and the passing of time is the focus of remembrance Islamic events.
Many Muslim countries, with the exception of Saudi Arabia, use the Islamic Calendar, the Hijra.
Al-Hijra is the new year and is observed on the first day of the first month , Muharram. In addition, Al-Hijra is also the anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad (PPBU)'s migration to the holy city of Medina, an important theological event.
The Islamic calendar is based on the lunar cycle, the New Year begins upon the detection of the crescent moon.
A Muslims quietly reflect upon the New Year. Morality and the passing of time is the focus of remembrance Islamic events.
Many Muslim countries, with the exception of Saudi Arabia, use the Islamic Calendar, the Hijra.
Al-Hijra is the new year and is observed on the first day of the first month , Muharram. In addition, Al-Hijra is also the anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad (PPBU)'s migration to the holy city of Medina, an important theological event.