Re: let's welcome 2010

At the end of this year
i feel to b thank full to those

who hated me:jhug:
thy made me a stronger person372-shed

who loved me
thy mademy heart biggerteddy

who were worried abt me:tasali:
thy let me know:d1:
that thy cared abt me:fight:

who left me:fly:
thy made me realize that:garmi:
nothing lasts for evr

thnx for building the B.U.TFUL memories of my life
may u have a very blessed new year.:d1:

At the end of this year
i feel to b thank full to those

who hated me:jhug:
thy made me a stronger person372-shed

who loved me

thy mademy heart biggerteddy

who were worried abt me:tasali:
thy let me know:d1:
that thy cared abt me:fight:

who left me:fly:
thy made me realize that:garmi:
nothing lasts for evr


thnx for building the B.U.TFUL memories of my life

may u have a very blessed new year.:d1:
