:khi: Ajj app ko Ya batana ha kah app Owl Ho ya phir Lark..............chunkay Munda Sialkoti na mujhse kesi Kam ki chiz ki ummed rakhy thi tu Maina soucha kiun na Survey kiya jay .........:khi: Munda jee abb tu app khush hongay ...AP ko ya batana ha kah APP LARK ho ya Phir OWL ...APp sab ko ya batana ha kah kon Lark ha aur Kon OWl ......................
Remind you Honesty is the best policy.so honest replies are the requirement:kr: :kr:
Note: LArk means ancient big bird
OWL means :khi:
The timing of your internal biological clock typically follows one of two patterns.OWL means :khi:

Note the score that corresponds to your choice for each of the questions below to find out whether you are an Owl or a Lark.

- If you could choose your bedtime, what time would you choose to go to bed?
Before Midnight = 0
After Midnight = 1
After Midnight = 1
- If you could choose your wake-up time, what time would you choose to wake up?
Before 8am = 0
After 8am = 1
After 8am = 1
- What time of day do you feel most alert?
Morning = 0
Early Afternoon = 1
Late Afternoon/Early Evening = 2
Night = 3
Early Afternoon = 1
Late Afternoon/Early Evening = 2
Night = 3
- If you could schedule the majority of your activities, errands, appointments for any time of day, what time of day would be best for you?
Morning = 0
Early Afternoon = 1
Late Afternoon/Early Evening = 2
Early Afternoon = 1
Late Afternoon/Early Evening = 2
What is your total score? A score of 0-2 would suggest that you are a Lark,
while a score of 6 or greater would suggest that you are an
while a score of 6 or greater would suggest that you are an
