Take the quiz here and post your results
my result........

The colour of your aura is
You are very dedicated to whatever you do, and you are social. You love to be in the centre of attention! You would never want to be put on the sidelines and be doing nothing. You have a great charisma, and are very strong. You have a great joy on life. You are independent and you have a great outlook on life. You have plenty of friends who support you and stand by you. Sometimes you may tear up in situations you cannot handle, but overall you are a miraculous person!

my result........

The colour of your aura is
You are very dedicated to whatever you do, and you are social. You love to be in the centre of attention! You would never want to be put on the sidelines and be doing nothing. You have a great charisma, and are very strong. You have a great joy on life. You are independent and you have a great outlook on life. You have plenty of friends who support you and stand by you. Sometimes you may tear up in situations you cannot handle, but overall you are a miraculous person!