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As I See It - 1 (Ghairatmand Policies)

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  • As I See It - 1 (Ghairatmand Policies)

    Dear ALL, Asssalaam-O-Alaikum

    Further to the topic posted by Mr. Khan, Lets take the TOPIC further, I have been writing AS I SEE IT series for over four years, this is my first post on this forum and will continue to write, as Khan Sahab said jis ki koi nahin sunnta woh PEGHAM jaisay forum per apnay dil ki bhaRas nikal daaita hay :)

    Well, many of us are unknown of our Govt. Policies lets take a SURPISING look?! Lets start with few POLICIES from the Indepence Day....

    You will be surprised to note that FIRST general Election in Pakistan was held in 1971 before that all PM and Presidents were nominated and designated by the Muslim League and pro Govt. parties yet we are not electing our PM but it is being nominated. (Example of Chaudri Shujahat Hussain is known to u all) but this never happend in INDIA, they have their PM always nominated and since the partician they have conduected over 11 general elections. THE PUBLIC is BEING GIVEN PRIVILEGE to ELECT their leaders or PMs!

    This is not the end...
    Lets talk about the Govt. policies..

    1. You know Indian Airline was banned to fly to Pakistan and Pakistan Airline to India but in the recent FRIENDSHIP development they have lifted the bann.. Now do u think that INDIANS need Pakistan market NO WAY, it was being very expensive for the INDIAN Airline to fly to Gulf countried without using Pakistan Airspace since the bann is lifted they have saved over 8 Billion US$ and what Pakistan got from the lifting the ban? Well NOTHING they are HAPPY coz INDIA and Pakistan Freindship is being developed.

    2. Tell me anyone of have been out of the country? In all the departmental stores all over the world you will find Indian products in shelves and hardly few Pakistani products such as "Ahmed Pickle" and "ROOH AFZA" are being sold. This is what shows the Govt. Export Policy. Note: Pakistani Rice, Mangoes and Oranges are world renowned but not due to the export policy or our Govt. efforts its due to the product quality gifted by ALLAH (SWT).

    3. In the name of friendship, Vajpayee asked Gen. Musharraf to seal the border by putting barriers so that they will not see people crossing the border illegally, Gen. Musharraf was too kind to accept the proposal. (Result: The meat and beef prices in Pakistan are gone high coz ppl were crossing the border and were selling cows,, sheeps and goats to Pakistan but due to this seal they are not being able to sell them to Pakistan and whereby in INDIA they meat and beef prices are gone down coz they are selling those animals locally)

    4. Pakistan Textile export was somewhat the best among all the exports but due to the Govt. Policy this field also facing disaster.. (Note the Govt. Policy: Our textilers were exporting loads of bundles of "Bad linen" to European countries such as UK, SPain, Italy etc but Govt. put a bann on them not to export them there instead export those linen to Gulf countries since we are brothers and friendly with them so exporters started exporting them to Gulf countries. But Why our Govt. was ignoring the fact that Gulf market is totally owned by Indian exporters so in few months only Pakistan export was facing a serious disaster coz Gulf countries started taking Linen from India and when Pakistani exporter went back to the European countries (their previous impoters) they denied taking them saying that Indian and Chinese linen are more cheaper and good in quality!

    5. Indian Tourist revenue is upto 13 Billion US$ per year whereby Pakistan can manage to get even less then 10 million US$.

    6. Indian MPs are still using Rickshaw and Taxi's to go the house whereby our MPs does not come there unless he has a driver driving his Pajero or Mercedess.

    7. Most of the Govt. Ministers are using local made "Marooti" as convience tell me how many of our minister using local made "Khayber"?

    8. Export Policy: We are planning to export our buses to Guld countries but due to Govt. Policy we were not able to do that as Govt. said that Guld countries are covered with Indian buses and as we are in a process of starting the freinship so we should avoid this sort of clash and instead they intoduced "CHI CHI" RIKSHAW to the local market of Pakistan!
    Although there is a lot corruption in Indian Govt. too but their policy makers are always thinking in he favour of developing the country not taking it to the disaster!

    May ALLAH save our country from the EVILS and make us grow a PROUD PAKISTANI! AMEEN

    Aap ki duwayon ka talabgaar, ek khaksaar

    Fi Amaan ALLAH

  • #2
    Re: As I See It - 1 (Ghairatmand Policies)

    Interesting facts indeed, I'll inshAllah add "As I see it " from my perspective.:thmbup:
    " Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goals "


    • #3
      Re: As I See It - 1 (Ghairatmand Policies)

      thank you.... and waiting...!

