Today is a historic day. Sharmeen won the Oscar.Governor Punjab Malik Rafiq Rajwana signed into law the Protection of Women Against Violence Bill 2015, declaring physical violence, abusive language, stalking, cyber crimes, etc, against women a crime in the province and the...
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Microsoft Excel Logical Functions IF & AND - Video Tut !!
Asslamo Alikum...
Microsoft Excel Logical Functions IF & AND - Video Tut !!
1 thing i forget to mention in the tutorial that You can set display message of your own choice
Here is tutorial..
Last edited by Yaaram; 22 January 2016, 04:51.
Best Free Android App Top Pashtu & Afghani Songs
Music and songs were popular in afghanistan the soul of the country.The music covers the whole region and across the borders of neighboring countries.However pashto singer had to leave the country and escape to pakistan and other countries as a precaution for their lives. some singers sing together...
Inverted Colors Photo Effect in Photoshop cs6
Inverted Colors Photo Effect in Photoshop cs6
Open your image in photoshop
2- choose Lasso tool or polygonal lasoo tool to select ur image
Turn a Photo into a Stencil in photoshop
Turn a Photo into a Stencil in photoshop
photoshop main image open karian
Image...Adjustments....Posterize ..... 10 levels.
Remove an Earwax blockage
Remove an Earwax blockage
Earwax is created while the oily substance made by way of cells lining the ear canal mixes with lifeless skin and debris. generally, the aggregate slowly actions out of the ear on its own.
however occasionally earwax gets blocked within the...
Herbal domestic remedies for Gum diseases
Herbal domestic remedies for Gum diseases
here are 7 natural domestic remedies for gum disorder with a purpose to make your dentists’ head spin at your next appointment:
1. Oil Pulling – This technique has been raved approximately not handiest for curing swollen,...
How to change Lip color in Photoshop CS6
How to change Lip color in Photoshop CS6
1- photoshop main wo image open karian jin lips ka color change karna hai ....layers ko duplicate kar daian karian to bhi masla nahi :p duplicate say bus orginal file save rehti hai :thmbup:
Aulad Ki Tarbiat Quran o Sunnat Ki Roshni Men By Allama Khalil Ahmad
Aulad Ki Tarbiat Quran o Sunnat Ki Roshni Men By Allama Khalil Ahmad
Download Urdu Book PDF
John Milton’s Grand Style
John Milton’s Grand Style
In his Oxford lecture ‘On Translating Homer: Last Words’, Mathew Arnold used this now famous phrase. ‘Such a style, he maintained, arises when a noble nature, poetically gifted, treats with simplicity or with severity a serious subject’. Arnold...
All the world's a stage by william shakespeare
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,
Theme of Jealousy in "Othello"
Theme of Jealousy in "Othello"
1. Introduction
Jealousy is a mental cancer. It is an emotion, and the word typically refers to the thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, concern and anxiety over an anticipated loss or status of great personal value, particularly...
One Art – Summary
One Art – Summary
Plain and straightforward but ironic poem “ One Art” is related with philosophy as well as religion. The poetess “Elizabeth Bishop “ teaches us the great value of resignation and contentment. She is of the view that the true art of losing helps us in developing...
All the World’s a Stage – Summary
All the World’s a Stage – Summary
The great dramatist of all ages, Shakespeare presents a unique treatment of human life in his play “As You Like It”. This masterpiece of keen observation, All The World’s a Stage is infact a speech delivered by one of the characters of the above...