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  • طالبان کی طلبا اور اساتذہ کے خلاف دہشتگردی

    طالبان کی طلبا اور اساتذہ کے خلاف دہشتگردی
    تعلیم کے دشمن، ظالم طالبان ، بے رحم اور انسانیت کے دشمن، دہشتگردوں نے باچا خان یونیورسٹی کے طالبعلموں پر حملہ کیا ہے جو پاکستان کی امیدٰوں
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  • maaria
    started a topic Blood Pressure

    Blood Pressure

    Blood Pressure

    BloodPressure has gotten a horrific rap. some pressure is crucial for stream. without it, blood could not pass from the heart to the brain and the feet and again once more. The coronary heart provides the driving pressure — each contraction of the left ventricle,...
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  • Abeel
    started a topic Jealously in "Othello"

    Jealously in "Othello"

    subject matter of Jealously in "Othello"

    1. advent
    Jealousy is a mental most cancers. it's far an emotion, and the phrase generally refers back to the mind and emotions of insecurity, worry, subject and tension over an expected loss or fame of brilliant personal value,
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  • AfshanK
    started a topic پيرس پر داعش کے حملے

    پيرس پر داعش کے حملے

    افشاں – ڈيجيٹل آؤٹ ريچ ٹيم – يو ايس اسٹيٹ ڈيپارٹمينٹ

    پيرس پر يہ حملے کرہ ارض پر سب سے نيچ، ہولناک، اشتعال انگيز اور ناقابل قبول عمل ہيں"

    امريکی وزير خارجہ
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  • Abeel
    started a topic Theme of Jealousy in "Othello"

    Theme of Jealousy in "Othello"

    Theme of Jealousy in "Othello"

    1. Introduction
    Jealousy is a mental cancer. It is an emotion, and the word typically refers to the thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, concern and anxiety over an anticipated loss or status of great personal value, particularly
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