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Othello - Battle of Good vs. Evil

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  • Othello - Battle of Good vs. Evil

    Othello - Battle of Good vs. Evil

    “I am not what I am.”What is Iago? -- as distinct from what he pretends to be -- and what are hismotives?In Shakespeare's, Othello, the reader is presented the classic battle between thedeceitful forces of evil and the innocence of good. It are these forces of evil thatultimately lead to the breakdown of Othello, a noble Venetian moor, well-knownby the people of Venice as a honourable soldier and a worthy leader. Othello'sbreakdown results in the murder of his wife Desdemona. Desdemona isrepresentative of the good in nature. Good can be defined as forgiving, honest,innocent and unsuspecting. The evil contained within Othello is by no meansmagical or mythical yet is represented by the character Iago. Iago is cunning,untrustworthy, selfish, and plotting. He uses these traits to his advantage byslowly planning his own triumph while watching the demise of others. It is thisthat is Iago's motivation. The ultimate defeat of good by the wrath of evil. Not onlyis it in his own nature of evil that he succeeds but also in the weaknesses of theother characters. Iago uses the weaknesses of Othello, specifically jealousy andhis devotion to things as they seem, to conquer his opposite in Desdemona.From the start of the play, Iago's scheming ability is shown when he convincesRoderigo to tell about Othello and Desdemonda's elopement to Desdemona'sfather, Brabantio. Confidentally Iago continues his plot successfully, making foolsof others, and himself being rewarded. Except Roderigo, no one is aware of Iago's plans. This is because Iago pretends to be an honest man loyal to hissuperiors. The fact that Othello himself views Iago as trustworthy and honestgives the evil within Iago a perfect unsuspecting victim for his schemes. Theopportunity to get to Desdemona through Othello is one temptation that Iagocannot refuse. He creates the impression that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio in order to stir the jealousy within Othello. It is this jealousy and theignorance of Othello that lead to the downfall of Desdemona; the one truly goodnatured character in the play. As the play opens we are immediately introduced to the hostility of Iago againstOthello. Iago has been appointed the position of servant to Othello instead of themore prestigious position of lieutenant. Michael Cassio has been appointed thisposition. Iago feels betrayed because he considers him self more qualified thanCassio to serve as lieutenant. Iago then foreshadows his plans for Othello toRoderigo,“O, sir, content you;I follow him to serve my turn upon him"
    Iago already realizes that Othello thinks about him as an honest man. Roderigois used by Iago as an apprentice and someone to do his “dirty” work. Roderigo isnaively unsuspecting. As the play shifts from Venice to Cyprus there is aninteresting contrast. Venice, a respectful and honourable town is overshadowedby the war torn villages of Cyprus. It could be said that Venice represents good or specifically Desdemona and that Cyprus represents evil in Iago. Desdemona hasbeen taken from her peacefulness and brought onto the grounds of evil. Iagocommits his largest acts of deceit in Cyprus, fittingly considering the atmosphere.Ironically, the Venetians feel the Turks are their only enemy while in fact Iago is inhindsight the one man who destroys their stable state. Act II Scene III showsIago's willing ability to manipulate characters in the play. Iago convinces Montanoto inform Othello of Cassio's weakness for alcohol hoping this would rousedissatisfaction by Othello. Iago when forced to tell the truth against another character does so very suspiciously. He pretends not to offend Cassio whentelling Othello of the fight Cassio was involved in, but Iago secretly wants theworst to become of Cassio's situation without seeming responsible. Cassio isrelieved of his duty as lieutenant. With Cassio no longer in the position of lieutenant, this gives Iago the opportunity to more effectively interact with andmanipulate Othello. By controlling Othello, Iago would essentially controlDesdemona.To reach Desdemona directly is unforeseeable for Iago considering that Othellois superior to him. It is for this reason that Iago decides to exploit Othello. If Iagocan turn Othello against his own wife he will have defeated his opposition. Act IIIScene III, is very important because it is the point in the play where Iago beginsto establish his manipulation of Othello. Cassio feels that it is necessary to seekthe help of Desdemona in order to regain his position of lieutenant and thereforemeets with her to discuss this possibility. Iago and Othello enter the scene justafter Cassio leaves, and Iago wistfully tries to make it look like Cassio leftbecause he does not want to be seen in the courtship of Desdemona. Iagosarcastically remarks:“Cassio, my lord! No, sure, I cannot think itThat he would steal away so guilty-like,Seeing your coming.”When Desdemona leaves, Iago takes the opportunity to strengthen Othello'sviews of honesty and trust towards him by saying ironically,“Men should be what they seem;Or those that be not, would they might seem none!"This cleverness by Iago works upon one of the tragic flaws of Othello. Othellohas a tendency to take everything he sees and everything he is told at face valuewithout questioning the circumstances. Iago wonders why someone wouldpretend to be something they are not, while in fact that is the exact thing he

    represents. Finally, after hearing the exploits of Iago and witnessing the eventssurrounding Cassio, Othello for the first time is in conflict about what is the truth.This is the first stage of Iago's scheme to control Othello. As Emilia becomessuspicious about Othello's development of jealousy, Desdemona defends her husband by blaming herself for any harm done. This once again showsDesdemona's compassion and willingness to sacrifice herself for her husband.Othello begins to show his difficulty in maintaining his composure:“Well, my good lady.[Aside] O, hardness to dissemble --How do you, Desdemona? Act IV, Scene I is a continuation of the anxiety and indifference Othello is under going. Iago takes advantage of this by being blunt with Othello about his wifeDesdemona. Iago suggests that she is having sexual relations with other men,possibly Cassio, and continues on as if nothing has happened. This suggestionsput Othello into a state of such emotional turmoil that he is lost in a trance. Iago'scontrol over Othello is so strong now that he convinces him to consider getting ridof Desdemona and even suggests methods of killing her. Iago, so proud of hisaccomplishments of underhandedness:“Work on.My medicine work! Thus credulous fools are caught; And many worthy and chaste dames even thus, All guiltless, meet reproach.”Othello in this state commits his first act of violence against Desdemona byhitting her. This as a result of Desdemona's mention of Cassio. This shows nowOthello's other tragic flaw. He made himself susceptible to Iago and the jealousywithin him begins to lead to the demise of others. By his actions Othello hasisolated himself from everyone except Iago. This gives Iago the perfectopportunity to complete his course of action. Iago does not tolerate anyinterference in his plans, and he first murders Roderigo before he can dispell theevil that Iago represents. Finally, Othello, so full of the lies told to him by Iagomurders his wife. Desdemona, representative of goodness and heaven as awhole blames her death on herself and not Othello. Iago's wife, Emilia, becomesthe ultimate undoing of Iago. After revealing Iago's plot to Othello, Iago kills her.This is yet another vicious act to show the true evil Iago represents. Othellofinally realizes after being fooled into murder :“I look down towards his feet; but that's a fableIf that thou best a devil, I cannot kill thee.”Iago says“I bleed, sir, but not killed."

    This is the final statement by Iago himself that truely shows his belief in evil andthat he truly thinks he is the devil. That is the destruction of all that is good. Hellover heaven and black over white.Iago, as a representation of evil, has one major motivational factor that leads himto lie, cheat, and commit crimes on other characters. This motivation is thedestruction of all that is good and the rise of evil. This contrast is representedbetween Iago and Desdemona. Desdemona is described frequently by other characters as “she is divine, the grace of heaven”, while Iago in contrast isdescribed as hellish after his plot is uncovered. Iago uses the other characters inthe play to work specifically towards his goal. In this way, he can maintain hissupposed unknowingness about the events going on and still work his schemingways. Iago's schemes however at times seem to work unrealistically well whichmay or may not be a case of witchcraft or magic. Iago's major mistake, ironically,is that he trusted his wife Emilia and found that she was not as trustworthy as hethought. Although not completely victorious at the conclusion of the play, Iagodoes successfully eliminate the one character representative of heaven,innocence, and honesty. Yet “remains the censure of this hellish villain”.Finally, everything Iago pretended to be led to his demise : Honesty, Innocence,and Love..
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