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12 major cosmic laws

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  • 12 major cosmic laws

    1. Law of Divine Oneness
    The creator is mind/love.The creation is consciousness expressed in thoughts.All is connected to every other throughout the Universe.Thoughts are vibration and thoughts create.When the state of oneness is achieved,we become enlightened.
    2.Law of Vibration
    All is motion,recycling,in circular patterns.Everything and everyone has its own frequency as part of the whole.
    3.Law of actionn
    Manifestation comes from thought and love.Action is needed on the third dimension,earth.Though ones changed consciousness are the key to transformation. In the mind world transformation comes from the power of mind.On earth action is necessary to move their slow-moving electrons,tasks or actions must be completed, carried through.
    4.Law of correspondence
    Is unity,wholeness of universe-as above,so below expanding the consciousness,realizing that every atom,also the world is holographic-the whole is contained in microcosm?
    5.Law of Cause & Effect
    "As so, so you reap". We can control by producing right actions and thoughts.Our today produces our tomorrow.There is no such thing as CHANCE
    6.Law of Compensation
    Break the poverty consciousness,recognize there is enough for all we should be happy,joyous,fulfilled. Give more with heart and more will come back.Recognize the "LAW OF TENFOLD RETURN" God provides all our needs.....release all fears.
    7.Law of Attraction
    Watch thoughts, actions emotions and action-avoid negativists'. These create signals that attract similar vibrations or frequencies. Once lessons are learned and individual vibrations are raised these tests never come again. The vibrations received will be at a new level. The higher one goes the better life becomes. Watch what is fed into the mind. Control the vibrations,reside on the higher frequencies closer to light.
    8.Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
    Through free will we choose the direction of our lives. All is energy. Thoughts are forms of energy, begin by forgiving other lapses. It is a magical law send out from the point of stillness within the positive. Higher vibrations consumed transform the lower ones. Alchemy choose to transform darkness into light. Bring balance to the world through the color violet and the power of breath. White light gives protection, strenghtens the wills. Also allign the chakras. Pink light generates self love and love for all around, and for the universe. Meditate in silence to situations and events.
    9.Law of relativity
    We are given problems and test of intuition, therefore says thanks for the opportunity, and they are design to strengthen the light within. Everything is relative regarding good or bad. The test is what's it I am to learn from this situation? The mind controls how we feel, but must be connected to the heart to see the higher truths, each must master their own lessons, and all are different.
    10. Law of Polarity
    Concentrate on the opposite pole so that which you wish to suppose kills the undesirable by changing the polarity. This is the law of transformation. All things can be changed, if we choose to do so. Humans must raise vibrations through the thoughts, the mind, emotions and actions, through choice, the secret of law is to remain balanced and detached. Change the behavior of others by changing your own vibrations. Encircle "difficult" people with violet color to help them to change.
    11.Law of rhythm
    Everything flows out and in, has tides, rise an fall, swing right to left and left to right, season, cycles e.g 7 days, 7 years, 7 musical notes. The negativity takes place on the lower levels by transmuting the higher, by theuse of will to remain positive, we raise above the natural rhythm and do not experience the negative. By mastering the law od balance and expressing the positive it says with us and assists in transmuting the negative swing of the above law. Remain centered.
    12. Law of Gender
    This applies at all levels. Sex is the smallest ans lowest aspect. Gender is the basis of real creativity and is the division of labor. Both senses need to develop the masculine(Ability to act and initiate) and feminine(gentleness,patience,humility, self control, graciousness, sympathy,wisdom) energies.These used positively bring to the 5th dimension. We must balance between Yin(f) and Yang(m) creative forces. It brings to the point of androgyny.Bring mind and emotions to a point of stillness through balance of male and female energies.
    Mind Sciences