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The Old Main and the Sea Notes

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  • The Old Main and the Sea Notes

    NOVEL - The Old Main and the Sea

    Relationship between the two:- "The Old Man and The Sea" is a short but powerfully affecting novel of Hemingway. In the very beginning of the novel we come to know that Manolin had been the old man's apprentice. When the old man could not catch a fish for forty days, Manolin's parents shifted him to another boat. Even then Manolin used to help Santiago. He informed him that he again wanted to go with him for fishing. The old man was his well-wisher. Manolin wanted to help the old man and learn from him. Their conversation shows the deep emotional attachment between the two.
    A source of inspiration and encouragement:- The boy had very high opinion about Santiago. The following remarks of the boy show his love for him. He said, "There are many good fishermen and some great once. But there is only you." These remarks made the old man happy. The way he served and loved the old man shows how sincerely and deeply both of them were attached to each other.
    Emotional attachment:- The old man was in the habit of thinking aloud. When the big fish swam away with the boat and whenever he found himself lacking in courage, the thought of the boy helped him in regaining his strength, courage and confidence.
    After his fight against the sharks, he said that the sharks had beaten him, the boy said, "He did not beat you. Not the fish." It shows that both of them were deeply attached to each other. This relationship of the Youth and Old Age is very impressive. (265 words)

    The Old Man and the Sea (Novel by Ernest Hemingway) - STRUGGLE WITH SHARKS/KEYNOTE

    The Keynote:- "The Old Man and The Sea" is an interesting and impressive novel by Hemingway. While fighting against the sharks, the hero of the novel to touches the keynote. He declares, "But a man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated." During his fight with the sharks, he proves it that even in case of losing the battle; a man may gain a lot. The great thing is not the victory but the struggle.

    The first attack of Sharks:- Santiago succeeded in killing the big marlin after a continuous struggle for 48 hours. After one hour, the first shark attacked the big fish. It was a big shark. The shark hit the marlin. The old man hit the harpoon into the shark's head. The shark went down slowly but took the harpoon with it.

    The second attack:- After two hours he saw two more sharks attacked the big marlin. He took up the knife lashed to it. One shark went under the skiff and pull on the marlin. The second hit the marlin where it had already been hit. The old man drove the knife into the second shark's eye. The shark slid down slowly.

    The third attack:- The next shark came after a while and hit the marlin. Just before sunset two more sharks attacked. He clubbed them away as forcefully as he could. They slid down after snapping some piece of flesh from the marlin. It was now badly ruined. Anyhow, the old man was proud of his successful fight with the sharks.

    Fight at night:- More sharks came and attacked the marlin. The old man clubbed at their heads but he knew that he was fighting a lost battle. When he reached the harbor, his big fish was all but a skeleton.

    In short, the old man had proved that it is not the victory that counts; it is the struggle. (321 words)

    Question: What memorable incident of his life did the old man recall?
    Answer: While on the sea, the old man recalled a memorable incident of his life. He had played the hand game competition with a Negro. The trail of strength continued for one day and one night. Each one was trying to bring the other's hand down to the table. Blood came from the finger nails of Santiago's and Negro's hand. The people suggested that match should end in draw, but Santiago who was then young, did not agree. At last Santiago defeated his opponent and he was declared the champion. This established his reputation among the fishermen.

    Question: How did the old man compare himself with the big fish hooked by him?
    Answer: 'Comparing himself with the big fish the old man said:
    'When once through any treachery, it had been necessary to him to make a choice---his choice been to stay in the deep dark water far out beyond all snares and traps and treacheries. My choice was to go there to find him beyond all people—beyond all people in the world. Now we are joined together and have been since noon. And no one to help either one of us.'

    Question: How far the old man was familiar with the various kinds of fish in the sea?

    Answer: The old man was very much conversant with all the creatures of the sea. He could minutely differentiate in their movements and actions. Once during the night two porpoise (small whales) came around the boat and he could hear them rolling and blowing. He could tell the difference between the blowing noise the male made and the sighing blow of the female. He said:
    'They play and make jokes

    Question: Had the old man any mysticism about turtles? What were his ideas about them?
    Answer: The old man had no mysticism about turtles although he had gone in turtle boats for many years. Most people were heartless about turtles because a turtle's hear will beat for hours after he had been cutup and butchered. But the old man had sympathetic attitude towards them. The old man thought, I have such a heart too and my feet and hands are like theirs. He believed in their strength. He ate the white eggs to give himself strength. He ate them all though may to be strong in September and October for the truly big fish. He also drank a cup of shark liver oil each day from the big drum in the shack where many of the fishermen kept their gear.

    Question: What was the idea of the old man about luck?
    Answer: The old man always hopeful about luck. He would never get disappointed. His faith in the ability of man was unshakable. In his opinion a man destroyed but not defeated. He believed more in man's ability than that of luck. He says:
    'Who knows, may be today. Every day is new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.'
    It shows that his belief in luck was not blind. He preferred to be more practical than merely being lucky. His belief in luck was not blind. He preferred to be more practical than merely being lucky.

    Question: How did the old man use his fishing skill?
    Answer: The old man used his fishing skill as great expert. He rowed the boat gently to keep the lines straight up and down and at their proper depths. He looked down into the dark of the water. He kept them straighter than any one did, so that at each level in the darkness of steam there would be bait exactly where he wished it to be for any fish that swan there. He kept the lines with precision.

    Question: What did the boy and the old man discuss about the lottery?
    Answer: The boy and the old man had great love for each other. They discussed ordinary matters quite friendly. They talked lucky 85 and 87 numbers on account of their previous fishing experience sand proposed to buy a lottery ticket with terminal number 85. They also discussed that they could manage to buy tickets by borrowing two and a half dollars but the old man rejected the proposal with the remarks:

    'But I try not to borrow. First you borrow then you beg.'

    Question: What is Religious Significance in the novel?

    Answer: This novel has also a great religious significance and purpose. In the course of his adventure with the giant fish marlin, and his fight with sharks, Santiago prays to God. He does not think himself to be a religious person, but he possesses all those virtues which religion enjoins upon man.
    He promises to say ten 'Our fathers' and ten 'Hail Marys' if he succeeds in catching the huge fish marlin. In this he also promises to make a pilgrimage to the Virgin de Cobre.
    Santiago's deep religious faith can be noticed as he analyses his own actions from moral and religious aspects. He feels troubled by thinking that he may have committed a sin by killing the marlin. At last he comes to the conclusion that it was no sin because he loved the marlin when it was alive and he loved it afterwards. He gets over the feelings of his guilt by thinking that the marlin was born a fish and he was destined to become a fisherman. Then he said to himself:
    'Do not think about sin. It is much too late for that and there are people who are paid to do it. Let them think about it.'
    There is also the crucifixion imagery which gives the novelist religious character and significance. Santiago's sufferings are depicted in terms of the sufferings of the Holy Christ. For example, we read Santiago's feelings as if nails have been driven though his hands into the wood beneath. Further we read about carrying a mast on his back and struggling up the hill under the heavy burden. In the end, the author tells us that the old man has fallen asleep with his arms out straight and the palms of his hands up. Such allusions, to the old man's sufferings can certainly move a Christian and remind him of the entire story of Holy Christ's martyrdom.

    Question: What is moral significance of the novel?

    Answer: The moral aspect of the novel has been much emphasized in the novel. The author has laid great stress on human values. These values are of fundamental nature for civilized human life. The theme of the novel being the mind and spirit, which defines all difficulties and remains undaunted in the face of all calamities and disasters. The story of the novel is remarkable for it stresses on what man can do, and on the world as an arena where heroic deeds are performed. His steadfast struggle for a big catch and waiting patiently for eighty five days make him an unusual man from the very beginning.

    He is sorry for the birds because they have a harder life than human beings. He also feels a great love and sympathy for the giant fish marlin that he was hooked and is determined to kill. Santiago's general conclusions about the human behavior are also significance. Challenging his adversary he says:
    i. 'I will tell him what a man can do and what a man can endure.'
    ii. 'Man has not been made for defeat. Man can be destroyed but cannot be defeated.'

    Question: What is Social Significance of the Novel?

    Answer: The social significance of the novel can be noted by the situation of the chief character Santiago. Santiago lives a lonely life but he greatly depends on the physical and spiritual support of the boy. The boy has not only been a fishing assistant to Santiago, but also companion. The boy serves him with coffee and meal and takes care o his comfort in the hut. He also helps him to carry the fishing gear.

    The image of the boy is always with the old man during the fishing adventure. He remembers him time and again and wishes he had the boy with him. Every new crises reminds him the necessity of the boy. The boy could have rubbed the old man's cramped hand. He could have wetted coils and could have relieved the old man for rest. A spiritual kinship exists between the old man and the boy.

    The restaurant owner sends him food and drink. The wine shop owner supplies him old newspapers. The concept of social solidarity and our inter-dependence for a good civilized life is clear from the novel.

    The deprivation of social life creates many problems for a man. The old man has begun to speak loudly since the boy left him. The old man says,

    'No man should be alone in old age.'

    Hence the lonely deprived life of the old man stresses the importance of peaceful family life for individual. The old man himself enjoyed a good family life when his wife was alive.

    In the sea when the old man is alone he tries to create a social atmosphere by speaking to the fishes, birds and other surrounding objects. He calls them brothers and friends. If we notice the old man in isolation
    Question: What is the symbolic significance of the following?

    i) Baseball

    ii) De Maggio

    iii) Boy

    iv) Lions

    v) Hand Wresting Completion


    i. Baseball: We notice that the old man and the boy are equally interested in the baseball. They have enough knowledge about its teams, its champions, and the results of the matches. It is their hobby, but it also shows that how enthusiastic and full of life they are.

    During the course of his fishing adventure, Santiago wonders what the result of the league matches has been. Then he tells himself:

    'Now it is no time to think of baseball. Now is the time to think of only on thing. That which I was born for'

    The baseball has a symbolical significance because the games teach a man to live and fight in the world. They are a symbol of discipline in our life.

    ii. De Maggio: De Maggio, the baseball champion has also significance in the story. The baseball reminds him of the great players. De Maggio is worshipped by the old man like a hero. He is the symbol of endurance, because he could play despite pain and suffering. The old man says:

    'De Maggio does all things perfectly even with pain of the bone spur in the heel.'

    The old man himself wants to be perfect and exact. He hangs the lines at different depths of fathoms. Thus De Maggio also becomes a source of strength, courage and endurance.

    iii. The Boy: Santiago misses the boy time and again during the adventure. He badly needs his company. The boy has the greatest significance for the old man. The old man has transmitted his ideas, his characteristics, his values and above all the art and tricks of fishing to the boy. In fact he wants to transform his physical and spiritual personality in the boy upon whom he bestows his fatherly affections. The boy is not only his apprentice but a son and companion as well. Since the boy's absence in the fishing adventures he has begun to talk loudly to avoid pressure of loneliness.

    iv. Lions: The thought of lions is also a source of inspiration for the old man. Lions remind him of his childhood when he was free and full of energy and when he enjoyed to look at the lions running and playing in the jungle at sea coast. The lions symbolize the old man's youth and his youthful strength. They provide him and additional stimulus. All such thoughts serve him as psychological props to boost his moral.

    v. Hand-Wrestling: The thought of hand-wrestling completion with the Negro also serves him as a source of inspiration. He has defeated the Negro who was regarded the strongest man on the docks. The match had continued for more than twenty-four hours. Santiago had won the victory and was given the title of champion. This was the biggest achievement of his youth. During the adventure, the fight was revived in his mind to inspire him.

    Question: Does the incident of the land bird, a Warbler (which comes to rest on the Santiago's skiff far out at sea) reveal his sense of brotherhood with creatures of the water and the air? Explain.

    Answer: When the old man is busy in his struggle with the giant fish, Marlin, there comes a small bird suddenly. It comes towards his skiff from the North side. It is flying every low over the surface of the water. The old man thinks that the bird is extremely tired:

    Later on, the small bird, Warbler, flies to the back side of the skiff and sits there for taking rest. After some moments, it flies and sits on the line of the fishing rod where he seems to be feeling more comfortable. It is here that Santiago asks this small bird:

    'How old are you? Is this your first trip?'

    The bird looks at Santiago when he speaks to it. He again speaks to the bird as:

    'It's steady', the old man told him. It's too steady. You shouldn't be that tired after a windless night. What are birds coming too?'

    Santiago affectionately advises this small bird to take some rest on the fishing line. He treats the small bird in such a manner as if it were his friend and companion, on the sea.

    It is just to say that Santiago's affectionate attitude the small bird, Warbler, on the sea, reveals his sense of brotherhood with the creatures of the water and air.

    Discuss and explain Hemingway’s novel as symbolic one. OR ‘Man can be destroyed but not defeated.’ Discuss and explain.
    'The Old Man and the Sea'
    Question: "Nothing is easy" the old man in the novel 'The old man and the sea'. This is what Hemingway wants to convey us that every one has his challenges in life to meet. Discuss.


    Discuss and explain Hemingway's novel as symbolic one.


    'Man can be destroyed but not defeated.' Discuss and explain.


    'It is silly not to hope ------------------ Besides, I believe it is a sin ---------------------- I'll fight them (Sharks) until I die.' Discuss and explain this statement.

    Answer: The novel is highly a symbolic composition. The old fisherman believes in hard work. He does what he is born for. He shows heroism in his every day's work. He ventures all alone. He fights with the big fish, Marlin. He uses his full strength, will power and determination. He wishes to prove his worth against a worthy adversary, the marlin. He says:

    'I will show him (Marlin) what a man can do and what a man endures.'
    Santiago addresses the big fish Marlin as:
    'You are killing me, fish. But you have a right to ---- come on and kill me. I do not care who kills who.
    Eventually he succeeds in harpooning the Marlin. The killing of Marlin has a symbolic meaning. Although the old man is physically weak, yet he is not ready to surrender. In fact, life is constant struggle. The sharks do represent evil faces. It is the theme of the novel, "Man can be destroyed but not defeated."

    Question: Would you call the novel a tragedy, if so, does it carry a sense of moral order. Discuss.

    Answer: According to Aristotle a tragic hero is one who has the following qualities:

    i. He is better than ordinary human beings.

    ii. He suffers because of his mistaken act or his error of judgment.

    iii. He exhibits great endurance in face of sufferings. He may die or fail miserably at the end.

    iv. There is an inner conflict, which keeps the hero in confusion.

    v. His suffering may arise pity and terror.

    In the light of above points we see that the old man is a perfect tragic hero.
    Question: Justify the ending of the novel, 'The Old Man and the Sea'.

    Answer: Some critics are of the view that the ending of the novel is not justified but most of the critics are of the view that the author is fully justified.

    The old fisherman goes far out on the sea. He hopes to catch a big fish. After a constant struggle of forty-eight days, he succeeds in hunting a big fish, Marlin. He lashes it with skiff.

    The sharks come out to attach the big fish, Marlin. The old fisherman fights like a hero but all his efforts end in smoke. At last the sharks snatch away the whole flesh of the big fish, Marlin. The old man is left with nothing except the skeleton of the fish. He returns to the seashore.

    It is a heroic fight. It is the struggle. But he fails to protect the big fish, Marlin. The novel is a story of 'gain and loss'. It provides the readers a satisfaction.

    The author wants to justify that human life does not depend on success or failure. Its greatness lies in constant struggle and invincible will power. The old man loses the battle but does not lose his heart. The ending of the novel is natural and realistic.

    Question: Once the old man said, "His hope and his confidence have never gone. But they were freshening as when the breeze arises." Explain.

    Answer: Santiago believes in hope. To him it is sin not to hope. For eighty-four days he fails in catch in any fish. But even then he does not fall a prey to sadness. He has a firm faith and self-confidence. He goes away to far on the sea. He is all alone. On eighty-fifth day, he succeeds in catch in a big fish. It is all the result of his firm faith in hope.

    All the same time, the old man is a believer in realism. He is not superstitious. He does not believe in luck. He depends on his technique of fishing. He succeeds in hunting the big fish. According to him, hope and confidence are two important pillars of success. In this regards, he is a spokesman of the novelist, Hemingway.

    Question: Is to retain a thing more difficult in the American Society than to obtain the same? Explain.

    Answer: The novel 'The Old Man and the Sea' highlights Santiago's quest for a big fish. He wins the battle against the giant fish, Marlin. He is gifted with courage and strong will power. He addresses the big fish, Marlin as:

    'You are killing me fish. But you have a right too. Never have I seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or nobler thing than you, brother. Come on and kill me. I do not care who kills who.'

    It is now evident that it has become difficult for the old man to prolong and retain his big fish with him. The sharks prove to be more terrible enemies for him than the marlin. In his struggle with the marlin, the old man comes out victorious. But in fight with the sharks to save the Marlin from them Santiago suffers a defeat. The sharks attach the Marlin time and again. Ultimately they snatch away from the poor old man all the flesh of the Marlin.

    As Santiago is a member of American Society, he fails completely to retain the Marlin. No doubt the Marlin was obtained after a prolonged and painful struggle. The author is fully justified in concluding that it is more difficult to retain a thing than to obtain it.
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