The tonsils are two almond shaped glands situated at either side of the narrow passage where the mouth joins the throat. They have the structure of lymphatic glands and consist of an
elevation of the mucous membrane of the mouth presenting twelve to fifteen openings. Even though at one time it was thought that they did not play any vital role and could be excised
when infected, modern medicine has come to realize their importance as a guard against infection. Recent studies have proved that children whose tonsils had been removed were
more susceptible to infections than others. The tonsils act as fishing net, trapping most of the infections and localizing them.
The onset of tonsillitis is sudden, with pain in swallowing and sensation of chilliness and fever. The swelling is caused by harmful bacteria and poisonous substances which enter through
the food. One or both tonsils become enlarged and are covered with a varying amount of whitish or grey material, which is a purulent discharge from the tonsils themselves. Sometimes
the pain travels to the ear. The tongue, particularly the posterior part, is covered with a thick fur, and the breath has an unpleasant odors. The temperature of the patient sometimes
rises to 104o or 105o F.
Tonsillitis is generally preceded by coryza. Wheat bread, rice and potatoes generally tend to aggravate the predisposition towards the diseases, but the main cause is the bodily poisons.
Cold, dyspepsia, loss of sleep and constipation are some of the predisposing of tonsillitis.
The villains of the piece are many: over-eating, consumption of whitened foods like refined sugar, addiction to fried delicacies, condiments, conventionally cooked vegetables, tea and
coffee are only some of them. Predominance of these substances increases acidity and alkalinity is diminished. Refined bread may give the calories, but it lacks in essential vitamins and
minerals which are the guardian angels in so for as tonsils are concerned.
People are generally favorably inclined towards foods which produce constipation and that is the root of most of the bodily disorders which afflict them, the reason being that the
poisonous matter is not expelled from the body, as it should be. They do not breathe deeply and do not let the lungs do their proper work, nor do they take fresh air which inhibits the
pores of the skin from exuding poisonous humors through perspiration.
A person suffering from tonsillitis generally loses his appetite: it is nature’s way of safeguarding the health, or at any rate, from letting it deteriorate further. The best with to deal with
the disease is to stop taking solis: the patient should only take juice of oranges, lime and honey; and, of course, water. An enema should be taken daily so that all waste matter is
expelled from the body.
Secondly, no foods which produce or increase acidity should be allowed to the patient. A bath in lukewarm water, better still having cold and hot baths alternatively helps. Saline gargles
or gargles whit lukewarm water mixed with a few drops of fresh lime juice can also help. Chest and throat packs should also be resorted to. Massaging the neck and the backbone can
help reduce the virulence of the attack.
For a few days after the acute attack has subsided the patient should be kept on fruits alone. When his condition improves he could be permitted to take salads and boiled vegetables.
Tea and coffee, sugar and refined flour products should be prohibited. Deep breathing and exercise could increase the oxygenation of the blood and the patient would improve quickly.
Alternate cold and hot baths and rubbing of the skin vigorously with a damp cloth can help the skin too to eject the poisonous hum ours. Rub the skin till it glows: that will enervate the skin and increase its resistance to disease.
A balanced diet, a natural living and avoiding of excesses and freedom from addiction could be the preventive steps.
The tonsils are two almond shaped glands situated at either side of the narrow passage where the mouth joins the throat. They have the structure of lymphatic glands and consist of an
elevation of the mucous membrane of the mouth presenting twelve to fifteen openings. Even though at one time it was thought that they did not play any vital role and could be excised
when infected, modern medicine has come to realize their importance as a guard against infection. Recent studies have proved that children whose tonsils had been removed were
more susceptible to infections than others. The tonsils act as fishing net, trapping most of the infections and localizing them.
The onset of tonsillitis is sudden, with pain in swallowing and sensation of chilliness and fever. The swelling is caused by harmful bacteria and poisonous substances which enter through
the food. One or both tonsils become enlarged and are covered with a varying amount of whitish or grey material, which is a purulent discharge from the tonsils themselves. Sometimes
the pain travels to the ear. The tongue, particularly the posterior part, is covered with a thick fur, and the breath has an unpleasant odors. The temperature of the patient sometimes
rises to 104o or 105o F.
Tonsillitis is generally preceded by coryza. Wheat bread, rice and potatoes generally tend to aggravate the predisposition towards the diseases, but the main cause is the bodily poisons.
Cold, dyspepsia, loss of sleep and constipation are some of the predisposing of tonsillitis.
The villains of the piece are many: over-eating, consumption of whitened foods like refined sugar, addiction to fried delicacies, condiments, conventionally cooked vegetables, tea and
coffee are only some of them. Predominance of these substances increases acidity and alkalinity is diminished. Refined bread may give the calories, but it lacks in essential vitamins and
minerals which are the guardian angels in so for as tonsils are concerned.
People are generally favorably inclined towards foods which produce constipation and that is the root of most of the bodily disorders which afflict them, the reason being that the
poisonous matter is not expelled from the body, as it should be. They do not breathe deeply and do not let the lungs do their proper work, nor do they take fresh air which inhibits the
pores of the skin from exuding poisonous humors through perspiration.
A person suffering from tonsillitis generally loses his appetite: it is nature’s way of safeguarding the health, or at any rate, from letting it deteriorate further. The best with to deal with
the disease is to stop taking solis: the patient should only take juice of oranges, lime and honey; and, of course, water. An enema should be taken daily so that all waste matter is
expelled from the body.
Secondly, no foods which produce or increase acidity should be allowed to the patient. A bath in lukewarm water, better still having cold and hot baths alternatively helps. Saline gargles
or gargles whit lukewarm water mixed with a few drops of fresh lime juice can also help. Chest and throat packs should also be resorted to. Massaging the neck and the backbone can
help reduce the virulence of the attack.
For a few days after the acute attack has subsided the patient should be kept on fruits alone. When his condition improves he could be permitted to take salads and boiled vegetables.
Tea and coffee, sugar and refined flour products should be prohibited. Deep breathing and exercise could increase the oxygenation of the blood and the patient would improve quickly.
Alternate cold and hot baths and rubbing of the skin vigorously with a damp cloth can help the skin too to eject the poisonous hum ours. Rub the skin till it glows: that will enervate the skin and increase its resistance to disease.
A balanced diet, a natural living and avoiding of excesses and freedom from addiction could be the preventive steps.