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What is Osteoarthritis?

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  • What is Osteoarthritis?

    What is Osteoarthritis?(Small Muscular Joints Pain) Home treatment

    Osteoarthritis: small muscular body joints pain like finger joints and feet joints etc. Patient feels pain and sometimes these joints area may become swelled. It gradually spread all body

    and becomes acute pain and individual feels restless or unable to perform any activities.

    Causes of Small Muscular Pain:

    Acidity is the major cause for it. Excess of acidity may affect an individual with acute chronic pain. Most of people are found with this disease by birth. With the passage of time it

    increases and start pinching after the age of forty (40). It may also due to sharp fragrance, working in polluted environment, working with lead/paint/color etc. Uses of alcohol, drugs and

    smoking habits may also become cause of Osteoarthritis. Excessive work without break can also be a cause of it.

    Symptoms of Joint Pain (Osteoarthritis):

    A person infected with Osteoarthritis found with different symptoms. Sometimes joints become red or swell with irritation and patient feels temperature. In this situation patient unable

    even touch their joints due to acute chronic pain and feels irritation. Joints become stiff and make difficulty in daily life activities. Due to which patient also has to face fatigue and

    illness. Sometimes due to swelling and redness it turns to wounds and temperature and patient feels cold.

    Treatment of Osteoarthritis:

    Osteoarthritis has treatment with both homeopathic and allopathic medicine. In case of acute chronic pain use “Kalchi Cum” homeopathic medicine, if patient suffering from long time

    than use “sulfur” and “Brionea” is effective to overcome swelling. Patient also got problem due to certain deficiency of vitamins. Use those food or meal that contains Vitamins especially

    Vitamin C, D3, and E. Also B9 and B12 vitamins give relaxation from pain.

    In allopathic medicine sometimes patient needs antibiotic due to infection. Some experts refer Ferum phas, Megphas and Kalkeria Flor for swelling, pain and ugly joints respectively.
    Whenever you suffer from Osteoarthritis; take proper rest and avoid those activities that can cause pain or increase pain because with passage of time pain become acute and

    unbearable. Consult with medical expert because sometimes we become unable to diagnose the situation and take antibiotics that may leads harmful effects.
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