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~Nervous breakdown~

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  • ~Nervous breakdown~


    Its very common i was making an assignment regarding this ..i thought to share it over here also.
    Me sharing sum basic points.

    Nervous br3akdown:

    In the Middle Ages, it was called melancholia. In the early 1900s, it was
    known as neurasthenia. From the 1930s to about 1970, it was known as a
    nervous breakdown . "Nervous breakdown" is a term that the public uses to
    characterize a range of mental illnesses, but generally it describes the
    experience of "snapping" under immense pressure, mental collapse or mental
    and physical exhaustion.

    What is n3rvous br3akdown:

    "Nervous breakdown" is an inexact and unscientific term that is no longer
    used in psychiatry.
    The diagnosis that most closely resembles what the public calls a nervous
    breakdown is major depression. Depressive episodes may be caused by genetic
    and biological factors and are often triggered by social and environmental
    circumstances. Depression is defined as the "loss of interest or pleasure
    in nearly all activities" and "sustained fatigue without physical
    exertion." Depression is characterized by a lack of energy and motivation
    along with feelings of guilt or hopelessness. It is often brought on by
    stressful situations, such as relationship difficulties, health problems,
    the aftermath of an accident or the death of a loved one.

    The mental illness known as a "nervous breakdown" may also be something
    like panic attacks, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder or acute
    stress disorder

    N3rvous br3akdown(DEPRESSION) :
    is treated through medication and psychotherapy
    Last edited by *khushi*; 4 December 2008, 12:51.